Worcestershire Hospices Lottery, helping . . .

  • Acorns
  • Primrose Hospsice
  • St Richards Hospice

Play in our Lottery

Your details: Step 1 of 3

To enter Worcestershire Hospices Lottery online you must be aged 18 or over and live in Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

Your entry

You have selected per week (monthly payment will be £5.00) The maximum number of weekly entries is 6.

*Your £5/£10 per month subscription will ensure that you never miss a draw and any excess pence that don’t play in a draw will be gratefully accepted as a donation by Worcestershire Hospices Lottery

Your details

Keeping in touch

We would like to keep in touch with you about our vital work and update you on our news, fundraising activities and opportunities to support us. Please tell us if you would be happy for us to contact you by:

Please tick here if you do not want to be contacted by post
 I agree for my data to be shared with St Richard's Hospice

I understand 45p of my £1 goes directly to St Richard's Hospice with the remaining 55p being shared equally between the 3 charities minus expenses.

My choices
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